

We at Stakater use Jenkins as our continuous integration, continuous development and continuous testing server. Jenkins is a self-contained, open source automation server which can be used to automate all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying software.


We use public helm charts to deploy jenkins on our cluster. Hereopen in new window is the public chart that we use and 0.23.0 is the public chart version that is used in our cluster. We use umbrella charts to deploy jenkins on our cluster. Currently we are using thisopen in new window repository for jenkins deployment.


Currently we are using this jenkins/jenkins:2.159 public image for jenkins in stakater.

Cherry Pickable

Yes, Depends Only on keycloak for SSO

Single Sign-on

Yes, our jenkins setup supports SSO. We use jenkins open id connect to achieve this.


Installation Steps

  1. Most of the times Jenkins will be deployed manually and not via pipeline because jenkins is the entity that is used to run these pipelines.
  2. To install jenkins manually, you can run the make targets of repo containing latest used implementation of jenkins. This will install all dependencies and jenkins as well.
    1. Clone thisopen in new window repository
    2. Update the hardcoded values mentioned here
    3. Update the release/requirements.yaml and comment out non-required dependencies. To view dependencies of jenkins, follow this guideline.
    4. Run this command. make install CHART_NAME=release
  3. Verify from UI that jenkins pod is running and accessible.


Configuration is divided into three parts:

  • Jenkins own configuration,
  • Github configuration and
  • Gitlab configuration.

Jenkins Configurations

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins on left navigation bar. Select the first option Configure System
  2. Update the Cloud -> Kubernetes -> Kubernetes Pod Template -> Advance and empty the Limit CPU and Limit Memory fields.
  3. Update the Cloud -> Kubernetes -> Kubernetes Pod Template ->
    1. Name: base
    2. Labels: base
  4. Update # of executors to 5
  5. Update Usage to Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node

Github Configurations

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins on left navigation bar. Select the first option Configure System
  2. Update GitHub -> GitHub Server (Use Add GitHub Server if not added already)
    1. Name: Github
    2. API URL:
    3. Credentials: Generate new github credentials of stakater-user or reuse existing credentials. And use these as secret-text in jenkins credentials.
      1. Add Credentials with kind Secret Text
      2. Secret: testsecret (Or get new one from teamlead)
      3. ID: GithubToken
      4. Save and use this credential.
    4. Test connection. It should be successful.
    5. Click on Advance and use gitwebhookproxyurl for Override Hook URL e.g.
    6. Use the secret that is being used in github repos for webhook authentication for Shared secret. e.g. testsecret
      1. Add Credentials with kind Secret Text
      2. Secret: testsecret (Or get new one from teamlead)
      3. ID: DummySecret
      4. Save and use this credential.
    7. Make sure this secret is same for github, gitwebhookproxy and jenkins.

Steps to Create Github Organizations

  1. Click on New Item on left navigation bar.
  2. Enter an item name and select Github Organization and click ok.
  3. Enter the Display name. E.g. Stakater
  4. Select Credentials
  5. Enter Owner. It is the name of github organization. Make sure it is in small case.
  6. Update Discover pull requests from forks -> Trust -> Contributors
  7. Check Periodically if not otherwise run and uncheck/disable it.
  8. Enter Automatic branch project triggering -> Branch names to build automatically PR (This is a random regex to avoid triggering all webhook)
  9. Click apply and then save. It should automatically start scanning the repos. If it doesn’t start then manually start scanning the organization by clicking the Scan Organization Now button on left navigation bar.


Steps to Create Github Organizations are same for every github organization. After the scan is complete, follow update these values in each organization to complete the setup.


Owner: stakater
Filter by name (with regular expression): ([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+
Branch names to build automatically: (PR-\d+|master)

Stackator Input:

Owner: stakater
Filter by name (with regular expression): [\w-]*input\b|^stackator-[\w-]*|^stakater-[\w-]*
Branch names to build automatically: (PR-\d+|master)

Stakater Charts:

Owner: stakater-charts
Branch names to build automatically: (PR-\d+|master)

Stakater Docker:

Owner: stakater-docker
Branch names to build automatically: (PR-\d+|master)

Stakater Lab:

Owner: stakater-lab
Branch names to build automatically: (PR-\d+|master)

Gitlab Configurations

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins on left navigation bar. Select the first option Configure System
  2. Uncheck Enable authentication for '/project' end-point
  3. Update Gitlab -> GitLab connections
    1. Connection name: gitlab
    2. Gitlab host URL:
    3. Credentials: Create gitlab token and use that token as GitLab API token while creating credentials
    4. Token: testToken (Get Latest token from teamlead)
    5. Test Connection. It should be successful.
  4. Go to Manage Jenkins on left navigation bar. Select the second option Configure Global security
  5. Uncheck CSRF Protection -> Enable script security for Job DSL scripts

Steps to Create Gitlab Organizations

  1. Click on New Item on left navigation bar.
  2. Enter an item name and select Multibranch Pipeline and click ok. Name of item should be as same as given in its gitlab webhook url ie. carbook-gitlab-config
  3. Enter the Display name. E.g. carbook-gitlab-config
  4. Update Branch Sources -> Git
    1. Project Repository:
    2. Credentials: Create jenkins username with password credentials and use as username and ID. Get password from team lead.
  5. Save and apply the changes.
  6. Trigger master branch and it will automatically create remaining gitlab pipelines.
  7. Scan manual pipelines so their branches get discovered


Below are the dependencies of jenkins. PRs have been created for all these dependencies in public helms chart repository but we are waiting for the approval. storage, secrets, rbac, configmap are helper charts that are used in conjunction with Jenkins chart because jenkins does not provide support for addition storage, secret, rbac and configmap. We need to deploy these dependencies with jenkins.

- name: storage
  version: 1.0.1
  alias: mvnstorage
- name: secrets
  version: 1.0.2
  alias: secrets
- name: rbac
  version: 1.0.1
  alias: rbac
- name: configmap
  version: 1.0.1
  alias: configmap
- name: xposer
  version: 0.0.3
  alias: xposer
- name: restful-distributed-lock-manager
  version: 1.0.2
  alias: restful-distributed-lock-manager


Below are hard coded values for Jenkins and it's dependencies. NOTE All credentials used here are not real. Please get the latest credentials before using these hard coded values.

configmap values

Update the external-docker-registry-url and set it’s value equals to the docker repository url attached with nexus.


xposer values

Update the domain and set it’s value equals to the your domain


secrets values

  1. Update this jenkins-docker-cfg secret and update the data in config.json containing docker repository url of nexus.
  2. Update this jenkins-maven-settings secret and update the data in settings.xml containing docker repository url of nexus.
  3. Update this docker-registry-secret secret and update the data in .dockercfg containing docker repository url of nexus.
  4. Update this k8s-current-cluster-kubeconfig secret and update the data in config containing the kube config of cluster.

Jenkins values

Update below values in Jenkins chart.

  1. Update the storage class name
    Enabled: true
    StorageClass: efs
  1. Update the HostName value
  1. Update the ingress annotations and TLS host name
      Annotations: "true" external-ingress 150m "true"
      - hosts:
  1. Update the keyclaok realm settings. Get the clientSecret from team lead.
    SecurityRealm: |-
      <securityRealm class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.oic.OicSecurityRealm" plugin="oic-auth@1.0">
        <scopes>openid email</scopes>


Below is the list of plugins needed for Jenkins to work properly. Add these under InstallPlugins in values.yaml

- git:3.9.1
- oic-auth:1.4
- github:1.29.2
- github-pullrequest:0.2.4
- github-oauth:0.29
- github-api:1.92
- github-branch-source:2.4.1
- github-issues:1.2.4
- workflow-multibranch:2.20
- pipeline-model-api:1.3.2
- pipeline-stage-step:2.3
- workflow-cps-global-lib:2.11
- pipeline-github-lib:1.0
- kubernetes:1.12.6
- kubernetes-pipeline-steps:1.5
- kubernetes-pipeline-aggregator:1.5
- workflow-basic-steps:2.11
- jdk-tool:1.1
- jackson2-api:
- blueocean-pipeline-api-impl:1.8.4
- pipeline-utility-steps:2.1.0
- gitlab-plugin:1.5.10
- gitlab-merge-request-jenkins:2.0.0
- job-dsl:1.70
- cloudbees-folder:6.6
- authorize-project:1.3.0
- gitlab-hook:1.4.2
- pipeline-stage-view:2.10
- ssh-agent:1.17
- ssh:2.6.1
- ssh-credentials:1.14
- ssh-steps:1.1.1
- rich-text-publisher-plugin:1.4
- timestamper:1.8.10


Below are the Jenkin Jobs that we use in stakater. Here is the procedure to configure these jobs.

carbook-gitlab-config   =  Multibranch Pipeline = Gitlab Pipeline

developer-handbook      =  Multibranch Pipeline = Github Pipeline

Stackator Input         =  Organization         = Github Pipeline

Stakater                =  Organization         = Github Pipeline

Stakater Charts         =  Organization         = Github Pipeline  

Stakater Docker         =  Organization         = Github Pipeline

Stakater Lab            =  Organization         = Github Pipeline


  1. Gitlab
    1. gitlab token: Create gitlab token and use that token as GitLab API token while creating credentials in Manage Jenkins
    2. Create jenkins username with password credentials and use as username and credentials id. Get password from team lead. These credentials will be used when creating Multibranch Pipeline for gitlab
  2. Github
    1. stakater-user: Generate new github credentials of stakater-user or reuse existing credentials. And use these as secret-text in jenkins credentials. These will be used while configuring github in Manage Jenkins
    2. testsecret: Use the secret that is being used in github repos for webhook authentication for Shared secret