Bootstrapping a Github Organization


  1. Create a bot user on Github.

  2. Create an Organization on Github.

  3. Go to Settings -> Member Privileges -> Set the Following Properties

  • Set Base permission as Read

  • Disable Private & Public Repository Creation

  • Disable Allow members to change repository visibilities for this organization & Allow members to delete or transfer repositories for this organization.

The above settings will disable repository creation for the organization members and disable members with admin privileges to change repository visibility or ability to transfer repositories.

  1. Create a Repository <organization-name>-github-config which will have all the github infrastructure(Repos & User files) for your organization and the tfstate.

  2. Setup Branch protection for your Repository so no one can commit into master directly rather create a PR and then have it approved and then merge it onto master.

Go to Repo -> Settings -> Branches -> Branch Protection Rule -> Add Rule. Set following values

  • Branch Name Pattern: master

  • Enable Require pull request reviews before merging, Set the number of approvers required, 1 is default and is enough.

  • You can also enable Require status checks to pass before merging, so that whenever your PR is created, it should be approved by someone and also its pipeline(CI step) should pass, only then it can merge onto master. We will be creating CI/CD using Github Actions below, you can have your own status checks as well.

  • These are some basic steps that we follow, you can add even more checks based on your organization criteria like signed commits, either this should be for administators as well or not.

Your branch protection page should look like following:

Branch Protection

  1. Add following files with their respective content in the repo.


File to ignore the files in git

# Compiled files

File containing the providers for terraform.

    github_organization = "<organization-name>"

provider "github" {
  organization = "${local.github_organization}"
  version = "1.2.1"

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.11.8"

These are the steps that are required to setup your organization. Furthermore, you would have to add users, create teams, create repositories and setup CI/CD for your repository. We recommend following ways, but you can have based on your team policy.

Setup CI/CD using Github Actions

There are different tools through which we can setup CI/CD for our repository like Jenkins, CircleCI, Github Actions, etc. We are using Github Actions for now. You can use the following steps to create CI/CD for your terraform project on Github Actions

  1. Create folder .github and subfolder workflows and then create 2 yaml files ci.yml and cd.yml. Your directory will be like
  1. We will be using token of the bot user to create repos so login using bot user and create a Personal Access Token, Go to Profile(top right corner) -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Token and Generate New Token with all rights as through this we will be creating or might be deleting users and repositories. Copy the token.

  2. Go to Repo -> Settings -> Secrets -> Add a Secret, Name should be GITHUB_TERRAFORM_TOKEN and value should be the token that you copied in Step 2.

  3. In CI, we will just be validating and planning the terraform, just checking if the PR is fine or not so in ci.yml, add following content:

name: CI

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip ci')"
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1

    - name: Install Terraform
        TERRAFORM_VERSION: "0.11.11"
      run: |
        unzip terraform_"$tf_version"
        sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
    - name: Verify Terraform version
      run: terraform --version

    - name: Terraform init
      run: terraform init -input=false

    - name: Terraform validation
      run: terraform validate

    - name: Terraform plan
      run: terraform plan

The above manifest will use the token to plan and validate your terraform files and if there is an error it will fail the pipeline. This will be run only for PRs to the master branch.

  1. In CD, we actually apply the terraform files and save its state in tfstate file, so in cd.yml, copy following manifest
name: CD

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip ci')"
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1

    - name: Install Terraform
        TERRAFORM_VERSION: "0.11.11"
      run: |
        unzip terraform_"$tf_version"
        sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
    - name: Verify Terraform version
      run: terraform --version

    - name: Terraform init
      run: terraform init -input=false

    - name: Terraform validation
      run: terraform validate

    - name: Terraform apply
      run: terraform apply -auto-approve -input=false
    - name: Commit files
      if: always()  
      run: |
        git config --local ""
        git config --local "Startelvan Bot"
        git add .
        git commit -m "Update tfstate skip ci" || true
    - name: Push changes
      if: always()
      uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TERRAFORM_TOKEN }}

This will only run when a change is committed onto master. It will initialize and apply the terraform manifest and push the changes back to git repository. So when terraform is applied and terraform updates the tfstate file it will push back the changes to the repo.

How TOs

Create a team

Add a file, copy following manifest in it. Following file will create a Developers team, you can have it based on your own needs.

# Github Team for Developers
resource "github_team" "developers" {
  name        = "Developers"
  description = "A cool team of developers"
  privacy = "closed"

Add a User

One thing to note is module name should contain


underscore (_) and not hyphen (-)

Add a file user-<username>.tf, copy following manifest in it.

module "user_<user_name>" {
  source = ""
  username = "<username>"
  team_id = "${}"

Create a Repository

Add a file repo-<repoName>.tf, for repository there are a number of parameters that you might or might not want for your team, you can see the details below.

One thing to note is module name should contain


underscore (_) and not hyphen (-) whereas in repository name and file name you can use hyphen(-)

so when copying following manifest, take note of this.

module "<repo_name>" {
  source         = ""
  name           = "<repo-name>"
  description = "<Your repo description>"
  homepage_url = ""
  license_template = ""
  team_id  = "${}"
  enable_branch_protection = true
  protected_branch_name = "master"
  enforce_admins = false
  status_checks = ["build"]  # name of the pipeline triggered check below
  require_status_checks = true
  has_wiki = false
  has_projects = false
  dismiss_stale_reviews = true
  require_code_owner_reviews = true
  archived = false
  has_downloads = true
  topics = ["stakater", "development", "golang"]
  private = true
  webhooks = []

Details of Above Parameters:

nameStringName of the Repository
descriptionStringDescription of the Repository
homepage_urlStringUrl for your repository or company
license_templateStringIf want to set a license for the repository
team_idStringId of team that should have access to the repository
enable_branch_protectionBooleanWhether the repo should master branch protection enabled
protected_branch_nameBooleanThe branch that should be protected
enforce_adminsBooleanEnforce branch protection rule on admins or not
status_checksList of StringThe status checks required to pass before merging a repo
require_status_checksBooleanWhether the branch protection should have status checks enabled or not
has_wikiBooleanContains Wiki or Not
has_projectsBooleanConsists of Projects or not
dismiss_stale_reviewsBooleanDismiss stale reviews when new commits are pushed
require_code_owner_reviewsBooleanCode Owner Review Required
archivedBooleanIs the repo archived or not
has_downloadsBooleanDoes the repo contain downloads
has_projectsBooleanConsists of Projects or not
topicsArray of StringTopics for the Repository
privateBooleanRepo should be private or public
webhooksArray of ObjectWebhooks to be added and their secrets

Sample Webhook Structure:

  webhooks = [
      url = "",
      events = "push,pull_request"
      secret = "mySecret"

Now the repository will be created, you can setup CI/CD in it. If you want to setup CI/CD through Github Actions, you can do the following:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create folders .github/workflow
  3. Create a ci.yml, copy following content
name: CI


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip ci')"
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: List
      run: ls
    - name: Build
      run: echo helloworld

The above will run on PRs for any branch and its name is build, used in the status_checks parameter above.

Creating PR & Pushing changes

Create a new branch and push your changes to it, and then create a PR for it, PR will trigger a CI pipeline, which will run following steps:

terraform init -input=false
terraform validate
terraform plan

If pipeline passes, you can approve the PR from another member and only then you can merge it to the master branch, which will run the CD pipeline which will actually create the user in the organization and make it a member of team. The CD pipeline does the following steps:

terraform init -input=false
terraform validate
terraform apply -auto-approve -input=false
Push the changes