

ExternalDNS synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and Ingresses with DNS providers. ExternalDNS makes Kubernetes resources discoverable via public DNS servers. Like KubeDNS, it retrieves a list of resources (Services, Ingresses, etc.) from the Kubernetes API to determine a desired list of DNS records. Unlike KubeDNS, however, it's not a DNS server itself, but merely configures other DNS providers accordingly


We use public helm charts to deploy ExternalDNS on our cluster. Hereopen in new window is the official chart repo. We use version 1.0.2 in our cluster. We use umbrella charts to deploy ExternalDNS on our cluster. Currently we are using thisopen in new window repository for ExternalDNS deployment.


Currently we are using this registry.opensource.zalan.do/teapot/external-dns:v0.5.8 public image for ExternalDNS in stakater.

Cherry Pickable


Single Sign-on

Not applicable.


Installation Steps

Most of the times ExternalDNS will be deployed from pipeline of thisopen in new window repository. It will have updated configurations and dependencies for ExternalDNS. But we can also install it manually (not recommended). To install ExternalDNS manually, clone thisopen in new window repo and you can run the make targets of repo containing latest used implementation of ExternalDNS. This will install all dependencies and ExternalDNS as well.

  1. Clone thisopen in new window repository
  2. Update the hard coded values mentioned here
  3. Run this command. make install CHART_NAME=global

Post Installation Configuration

No manual configuration is needed.


ExternalDNS does not depend on other charts


This document contains the hard coded values for external dns, and its dependencies.

    - stackator.com
    - stakater.com
    - gocarbook.com
  txtOwnerId: stakater
    create: true
    apiVersion: v1beta1