Github Repository Integration with Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline


This guide provides guideline on how to configure Github repository with Gitlab CI/CD pipeline.


This section provides guideline regrading integration:

  • Make sure that Gitlab account user must have the access to Github repositories.

  • Create a new project in Gitlab.

  • Select CI/CD for external repo from New Project dashboard.

  • It provides further two options on how connect the new project with remote repository:

    1. Github.

    2. git Repo by URL.

  • Select the Github option, it will show list of repositories. Select any one repository to configure its pipeline. Gitlab with sync the project.

  • Gitlab provides following feature for synced project:

  • Gitlab pipeline provides Git shallow clone feature which can be used to pull x number of changes from repository. Its default value is 50, but in this scenario all change are required so therefore 0 (means to pull all the changes) will be configured. Go to Project -> Settings -> CI/CD -> General pipelines -> Git shallow clone location and change its value.