Deploying Stakater Stacks


This guide provides guidelines on the deployment of Stakater Stacks. Currently, there are two ways to install Stakater Stacks on kubernetes:

  • Jenkins CI/CD pipeline.
  • Gitlab CI/CD pipeline.

Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline

To deploy Stakater Stacks using Jenkins CI/CD, create pipeline for stack with following values:


  • Create a new folder Stacks that will hold pipeline of each stack by using the New Item feature.

  • Inside the Stacks folder add a Pipeline for each stack by using the New Item feature.

  • In General settings UI enter stack repository URL in GitHub Project's Project url field.

  • Select the checkbox This project is parameterized and add the following parameters

    NameDefault ValueTypeDescription
    REPO_URLURL of pipeline repositoryStringlink to stack repo
    BRANCHmasterStringname of branch to deploy
    CREDENTIALS_IDName of the userStringId of Jenkins credentials to use to clone above git repo
    PROVIDERazure or awsChoiceAllow either aws or azure
    MAKE_TARGETStack's Makefile targetsChoiceAllow targets available in Stack's Makefile
    NAMESPACEStack's NamespaceStringSpecify the name of namespace that should be forwarded to MakeFile
    KUBE_CONFIGNoneMulti line StringKube Config of Kubernetes stack in which it should deploy the stack
    INSTALL_PVCNoneStringFlag to install PVC or not. Its value can be either true or false.
  • There are two ways to add the pipeline script:

    1- Add the script given below in Pipeline Script of pipeline configuration.

    2- Enable the Pipeline script from SCM feature, configure it and add a Jenkinsfile in each stack repository with the following content.

      #!/usr/bin/env groovy
      @Library('') _
      String repoURL = ""
      try {
          repoURL = REPO_URL
      } catch (Throwable ignored) {
          repoURL = ""
      if (repoURL == "") {
          error("REPO_URL must be specified")
      String branch = ""
      try {
          branch = BRANCH
      } catch (Throwable ignored) {
          branch = ""
      if (branch == "") {
          error("BRANCH must be specified")
      String credentialsID = ""
      try {
          credentialsID = CREDENTIALS_ID
      } catch (Throwable ignored) {
          credentialsID = ""
      if (credentialsID == "") {
          error("CREDENTIALS_ID must be specified")
      String provider = ""
      try {
          provider = PROVIDER
      } catch (Throwable ignored) {
          provider = ""
      if (provider == "") {
          error("PROVIDER must be specified")
      String makeTarget = ""
      try {
          makeTarget = MAKE_TARGET
      } catch (Throwable ignored) {
          makeTarget = ""
      if (makeTarget == "") {
          error("MAKE_TARGET must be specified")
      String namespace = ""
      try {
          namespace = NAMESPACE
      } catch (Throwable ignored) {
          namespace = ""
      if (namespace == "") {
          error("NAMESPACE must be specified")
      Boolean installPVC = false
      try {
          installPVC = INSTALL_PVC
      } catch (Throwable ignored) {
          installPVC = false
      String kubeConfig = ""
      try {
          kubeConfig = KUBE_CONFIG
      } catch (Throwable ignored) {
          kubeConfig = ""
      if (kubeConfig == "") {
          error("KUBE_CONFIG must be specified otherwise default cluster is used")
      def utils = new io.fabric8.Utils()
      def flow = new io.stakater.StakaterCommands()
      timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') {
          timestamps {
              stakaterNode() {
                  container(name: 'tools') {
                      stage('checkout') {
                          git branch: branch , url: repoURL, credentialsId: credentialsID
                      stage('configure') {
                          writeFile file: '/home/jenkins/.kube/config', text: kubeConfig
                      stage('apply') {
                          executeMakeTargets {
                              target = makeTarget
                              NAMESPACE = namespace
                              PROVIDER_NAME = provider
                              INSTALL_PVC = installPVC

Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline

This section provides guidelines on deploying Stakater Stacks on kubernetes cluster using Gitlab CI/CD pipeline.


  • Github Personal Access Token will be used to pull stacks repository.

  • Create a repository on Gitlab and configure its pipeline.

  • Gitlab CI/CD pipeline requires some environment variables, their description is given below:

    Environment VariablesTypeDescriptionSource
    KUBE_CONFIGString (base64 encoded)Kubernetes configuration file.Gitlab CI/CD Enviroment Variable
    GITHUB_TOKENString (encoded)Github Personal Access token. It can be generated by following this guidelineopen in new window.Gitlab CI/CD Environment Variable
    STACKStringName of the stack that will be deployed. Possible values are global, release, logging, monitoring, tracingGitlab CI/CD Environment Variable
    NAMESPACEStringDeployment namespace.Config file
    PROVIDERStringCloud provider's name. Currently, we support AWS and Azure. Its value can be provided as aws for AWS and azure for Azure.Config file
    INSTALL_PVCStringFlag to install PVC or not. Its value can be either true or false.Config file
    REPO_URLStringURL of the stack repository that need to be deployed. From each repository URL only the part after this section https:// is required. Like from URL we require only the partConfig file
    BRANCHStringBranch name that will be deployed.Config file
    TARGETStringMakefile target's name that will be executed. Makefile exists in Tracing stack Github repository.Config file
  • Gitlab CI/CD environment variables can be configured from the dashboard Gitlab Project Setting -> CI/CD -> Variables.

  • Config variables can be configured by creating a file in the root folder and export the stack specific variables from there. It will reduce the chances of errors in configuration because now few CI/CD variables needs to be changed for each deployment. Example of config file is given below:

    export BRANCH="master"
    export INSTALL_PVC="true"
    export NAMESPACE="<stack-namespace>"
    export PROVIDER="aws"
    export REPO_URL="<stack-name>.git"
    export TARGET="install-dry-run"
  • Once environment variables are configured create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in project root directory and paste the configuration given below in it:

        name: stakater/gitlab:0.0.3
        - if [ $STACK == "global" ]; then \
        -     echo "Gloabl Stack"; \
        -     source ./; \
        - elif [ $STACK == "release" ]; then \ 
        -     echo "Release Stack"; \ 
        -     source ./; \
        - elif [ $STACK == "logging" ]; then \
        -     echo "Logging Stack"; \ 
        -     source ./; \
        - elif [ $STACK == "monitoring" ]; then \
        -     echo "Monitoring Stack"; \ 
        -     source ./; \
        - elif [ $STACK == "tracing" ]; then \
        -     echo "Tracing Stack"; \ 
        -     source ./; \
        - else \
        -     echo "Invalid stack name provided"
        -     exit 1 
        - fi
        - echo "configuration kubernetes access in pipeline"
        - mkdir ~/.kube/
        - echo $KUBE_CONFIG | base64 -d > config
        - mv config ~/.kube/
        - echo "Extracting repository name from the URL"
        - BASE_NAME=$(basename $REPO_URL)
        - REPO_NAME=${BASE_NAME%.*}
        - deploy
        stage: deploy
        - echo "Cloning repository and redirecting the output to black hole because we don't want GITHUB_TOKEN to be visible on pipeline logs"
        - git clone https://$GITHUB_TOKEN@$REPO_URL > /dev/null
        - echo "Moving inside cloned repository directory"
        - cd $REPO_NAME
        - echo "Checkout to the deployment branch"
        - git checkout $BRANCH
        - echo "Deploying stack on kubernetes cluster"
        - if [ -z "$NAMESPACE" ]; then \
        - else \
        - fi
  • Config variables file is just a way to easy the deployment process, it is also possible to configure all configuration variables through Gitlab CI/CD environment variable. If you configure all the configuration variables through Gitlab CI/CD env variable feature then remove the code snipped(that checks which stack to deploy) from the before_script section of .gitlab-ci.yml file and also remove the STACK CI/CD environment variable.

  • Once configuration is done, run the Gitlab pipeline for deployment by pushing a commit or manually trigger the pipeline.

Run the pipelines in the following order: